What's New?

We’re constantly refining and evolving our awards and their categories to ensure they reflect the landscape of our industry and pave the way forward.

Introducing the Creative B2B Eurobest Award

The Creative B2B Eurobest Awards celebrate game-changing creativity and effectiveness in work for products and services that are purchased by professionals on behalf of businesses.

Work entered into this Award will need to demonstrate a blend of short-term tactics and long-term brand-building strategies that connect with customers, improve brand health and ultimately drive growth.

Restructuring the Audio & Radio Eurobest Award

As technology continues to advance, audio content has evolved from its traditional radio roots and adapted to the growing range of platforms available. To reflect this shift in focus, we’ve changed the name from “Radio & Audio” to “Audio & Radio”.

Refreshing the Innovation Eurobest Award

A lot has changed since the Innovation Eurobest Award was introduced in 2014, which means updates were necessary to ensure it continues to accurately reflect our industry. The expansion now places a heightened emphasis on environmental, societal, and financial innovation, reflecting the ever-changing landscape of creative solutions that address the world's most pressing challenges and opportunities.

Work entered into the Innovation Eurobest Award should demonstrate ground-breaking innovation, technology and problem-solving that turn imaginative ideas into impactful reality.

Refreshing the PR Eurobest Award

We’ve refreshed the PR Eurobest Award to ensure it accurately reflects the current PR industry and celebrates work that delivers a brand message, changes behaviour or engages customers at scale. Work entered into the ‘Excellence in PR Craft’ section can only be submitted and paid for by independent PR agencies, companies owned by a PR network or independent PR networks. This section will sit outside the existing maximum limits for entry within the PR Awards.

Refreshing the Social & Influencer Eurobest Award

Understanding the significance of creators, the refresh to social and influencer Eurobest Award is bringing more focus towards content creators than ever before. This refresh places an even greater emphasis on recognising and celebrating the pivotal role that creators play in shaping and amplifying brand messages. It acknowledges the dynamic influence these individuals wield in engaging and resonating with audiences across social and digital platforms, reflecting the evolving nature of communication and branding in the modern era.

Introducing a dedicated space for humour

We’ve introduced a humour category to the Cultural & Context sections that sit across the Eurobest Awards, to celebrate the art of humour in branded communications. Work entered into this category should use wit and satire to provide amusement and create memorable, laughter-inducing connections with audiences.

Making the cultural context question compulsory

Last year, we introduced a question about cultural context to help Jurors better understand the nuances of your work. The Jury found it so valuable that this year, we’re making it a compulsory element on every entry. Use this question to really explain why your work is relevant for this brand, in this market, at this moment in time.

Providing an option for the Jury to see the responses to sustainability and DEI questions

This year we’re opening up the option for you to share your responses to the sustainability and DEI questions with the Jury. In doing so, we hope to encourage those making progress in these areas to share their success and to ignite conversations in the Jury room.

Introducing an AI Disclaimer

For Eurobest 2024 we’re introducing a question, which will ask entrants to disclaim whether AI was used in the work, and if so, how. This is to help the jury judge the work fairly and to help the jury take a balanced view and judge with the full picture.

Ready to get started?

Read the Entry Guide