Digital Craft
Social & Influencer

Alejandro Di Trolio

Alejandro Di Trolio
Digital Craft
Social & Influencer

Alejandro Di Trolio

European Creative Chairman

Cheil Worldwide



Alejandro is a multi-award winning creative specialised in digital creativity and innovation. He has been leading multidisciplinary creative teams for over 20 years focused on disruptive new ways to connect with audiences.

He has extensive experience in independent and global network agencies. He is currently European Creative Chairman of Cheil Worldwide to lead innovation-driven creativity in 10 countries across the continent.

During his career, he has worked with brands like Samsung, IKEA, Coca-Cola, Toyota, Amazon, Volkswagen, Domino´s Pizza, and Red Bull generating creative strategies in diverse markets.

He had won more than 400 international awards 12 Cannes Lions (3 Gold Lions), D&AD, Clio, Effie Awards, The One Show, LIA Awards, CdeC, El Sol Festival, FIAP, Caples Awards and Ojo de Iberoamérica and He had serve as a Jury member for Cannes Lions 2020-2021-2022, The One Show, CLIO HEALTH, LIA, El Sol Festival, CdeC, El Ojo de Iberoamérica, ADCE, FIAP, among others,

Recently, Alejandro has got Cheil Spain in the second Spanish agency of Cannes Lions by number of metals obtained in 2020/21/23 edition, Most awarded Spanish Agency in Eurobest 2023, LIA Awards 2023, Clio Health Awards 2023.