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The Innovation Eurobest Award celebrates ground-breaking innovation, technology and problem solving ideas that turn imagination into impactful reality.


The same piece of work may only be entered in either section A or B. Work can be entered up to two times in section ‘B. Innovation'. However, the same piece of work may only be entered once in ‘A. Early Stage Technology’.

Work entered into 'A01. Early Stage Technology' may be at prototype/pre-production stage. However pre-development ideas/concepts are not eligible. Entrants in all categories must be in a position to fully demonstrate any technology entered. Concepts alone will not be permitted.

Shortlisted entrants will be required to present their work to the jury online.

Looking for inspiration?

Hear from the 2023 Innovation Jury President on why last year's Grand Prix winner was chosen.

2024 Jury President

Kika Douglas Castroviejo

Kika Douglas Castroviejo

Chief Creative Officer

180 Global


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