
The Film Eurobest Award celebrates the creativity of the moving image.

The work will need to demonstrate brilliant brand storytelling intended for a screen; filmed content created for TV, cinema, online and out-of-home experiences.


The main criteria considered during judging will be the idea, the execution and the impact.

There is no overall limit to how many times the same piece of work can be entered into Film as long as the categories chosen are relevant. However, the same piece of work may only be entered once into section ‘A. TV/Cinema Film: Sectors’ and once into section 'B. Online Film: Sectors'.

In sections A, B, C and D each execution constitutes one entry. In Sections E and F multiple executions may be entered as one entry. However all Film executions must have run within the eligibility period.

Looking for inspiration?

Hear from the 2023 Film Jury President on why last year's Grand Prix winner was chosen.

2024 Jury President

Nicky Bullard

Nicky Bullard

Group Chief Creative Officer

MullenLowe UK


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